Mental Health Resources
Jennifer May, Ph.D. - Free video courses on DBT, RODBT, Trauma Healing, Attachment Styles, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Mindfulness & more.
Mel Robbins - Podcast about healing anxiety, setting boundaries and overcoming challenges and failures. This podcast episode is what have kept me going when I have struggled the most. It never fails to inspire me.
How I Healed my Mental Health - video on my mental health and what I’ve done to heal my trauma, anxiety and depression.
The Four Agreements - book on mental health that changed my perspective on forgiveness.
Yale University Happiness Course - free study course to improve happiness with one course adapted for teenagers.
Your Money or Your Life by Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin - a book about economics that quickly turns into the best minimalist motivator in the world!
Minimalism Videos - my minimalist video playlist, here you can find anything you might need to know about minimalism.
Health & Wellness
Nutritionfacts.org - the best resource on the Internet that compiles studies on health and wellness and makes the information accessible and readable. If you are struggling with any sort of health issues, or just wanting to learn more about diet and nutrition, this is the place to go.
How Not to Age by Dr. Michael Greger- evidence based book on aging.
How Not to Diet + Cookbook by Dr. Michael Greger - evidence based book and cookbook on how to (not) diet and live a healthy lifestyle.
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show - my favorite YouTube channel for innovative and exciting whole food plant based recipes.
The Game Changers - a great documentary about exercise and a vegan diet.
Dylan Werner Yoga - one of my favorite yoga and breathwork teachers. The website requires a subscription, but he releases one free class a month. Also on AloMoves for anyone with a subscription.
KinoYoga - free yoga classes from one of the world’s best teachers, from beginner to advanced, with some of the newer classes also being accessible to different abilities.
Yoga With Adriene - free yoga videos for those who don’t know where to start with yoga or movement; start here.
Spirituality & Mindfulness
In Love With The World by Mingyur Rinpoche - my favorite book about impermanence and death, written by one of the best meditators in the world.
Sadness, Love, Openness by Choknyi Nyima Rinpoche - if you skip the Buddhist parts, this is one of the most profound books written on spirituality and living a better life.
100 Books I’m Reading - a list created through votes from different literary professionals in Sweden (1991). I’m currently reading through this list and these are the best books I’ve ever read.
35 Classic Books - my video recommending my (so far) top 35 from the list above!
Swedish Literature
The Emigrants by Vilhelm Moberg - if you’re one of those Americans who’s descendents are Swedes, maybe this (incredible) book series will interest you.
Willful Disregard by Lena Andersson - on of my favorite modern books. This is a book about love set in our modern times, it gives great insight into Swedish culture (the kind of culture that’s hidden) and modern love.
Inspirational Podcasts
Courtney Dauwalter - podcast with Courtney Dauwalter, one of the most accomplished female athletes. In 2023, Dauwalter became the first athlete ever to win Western States 100, Hardrock 100 and the UTMB, three iconic 100-mile races, in the same year.
Mel Urie - the most inspiring podcast I’ve ever listened to with the female athlete who is doing better at her sport than most.
John Joseph - podcast with lots of swearwords but John Joseph on Rich Roll’s podcast was very inspirational to me in how to overcome adversity and challenges.
Suzanne Simard - incredible podcast with scientist Suzanne Simard about how trees communicate and I find this an incredible inspiration and path to better understand how to live a life respecting and being aligned with nature.
Charles Dowding - the only gardening advice I ever follow! Jokes aside, Charles Dowding presents the latest science on no dig in such a practical way that you can’t help but to adopt his teachings. If you want to garden, watch his videos on YouTube.
Andrew Millison - free videos on water management and where to build your house, plus a paid course to become a great permaculture garden designer.
Mr Money Moustache - my favorite financial blog with lots of practical tips about FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), money and life!
Your Money or Your Life by Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin - my favorite book on finances and how to feel confident and empowered with your money.
Autism (for parents)
The Conscious Parent - Dr. Shefali Tsabary
How Children Learn - John Hault
The Whole-Brain Child - Daniel J. Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson
Peaceful Parent, HAPPY KIDS - DR. Laura Markham
Pain Free Home Birth - video by Ellen Fisher, she also has LOTS of videos on childbirth and care before and after, and even gentle parenting.
Orgasmic Birth Debra Pascali-Bonaro and Elizabeth Davis - one of the classic books on childbirth.